In nowadays social media is toxic that affects young teens. In mobile technology For a long period of time face book is under criticize from user information safety. These are dangerous things for young teens now facebook admit which creates tension. It said that the conversion of the user will listen by its own contractor. so transcript function can perform easily. According to Facebook, he left to keep a record of user information due to protests of users. Apple, Google, is also under criticize due to voice call records. Audio recording use for transcription service of messaging which purpose is to send a message via voice. Face book said the audio recording use for AI transcription. whereas people’s voice messages can write in the right way.

Face book Evil Claim to record conversion of User.
This feature can work only when the user will select this option. It introduces transcription function in 2015. It informs that an audio voice recorder can store in a server. But also warns that this recording can also give to third party contractor which is dangers of Facebook.
Problems with social media are also in WhatsApps.
WhatsApps drawbacks are coming &Hackers are taking advantage of these drawbacks. They use social media for criminal activities &researcher found one major mistake in messages with a little change from your name. Message can be sent to many people from your name. Checkpoint Name Company practical for this security league issue. The company claim that there will prepare a tool after the coat message can change easily.

WhatsApp Security issues
Hence someone told in the message will not in reality what he said. corrupt or bad character people can affect your personal messaging. In lass wig as cybersecurity conference held in which the company will perform practical, it was developed by checkpoint name company. With the help of this tool, you can change the identity of the sender person and coat message to another person. The researcher also finds the third drawback.
the person will think his message is private.
But in actual his message will share in group &Face book identify this third drawback. it is also the property of Facebook. A dangerous thing is that Facebook told the researcher that due to a lack of technical facilities some weakness cannot remove. Facebook told the researcher that they can install Whatsapp & claim that they remove this weakness.
But an America newspaper claims that targets attack Whatsapp done by Israel. In the targeted attack on WhatsApp, hackers use Whatsapp call service as a tool. Due to this attack call will not pick up or Whatsapp data will remove from the phone.NSO group known as cyber arms dealers in past Its flagship software pig as the capability that can attack any device and steal information. Hackers can also steal a microphone or camera data.NSO is a license holder institute and uses to counter criminal activities in-country.
Wi-Fi is very important for every person.

People search Wi-Fi but some people instate you to give a password. In this situation, a problem creates who you want to give access to or not. In this advance period, Experts are trying to create inventions. They will provide the facility to people & new methods invent. In this method, you can provide easily Wi-Fi access without sharing the password. Wi-Fi access can possible with Qr code &Wi-Fi password can convert into QR Code. The website is available to convert the Wi-Fi password into a QR code like “qrstuff”.com.It will create a password & you can enjoy Wi-Fi access.
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